Unfortunately, it is fallacious reasoning and anti-truth propaganda such as this piece that so badly needs addressed, which takes up a great deal of precious space and time that could be better devoted elsewhere. Nevertheless, with much pressing of the olive, we can often get some fine oil, so lets dig in...
It should be noted that just because something has the words "rights" or "freedom" or "liberty" tagged onto it, doesn't mean it is necessarily good. Such is the case with the website we will take a look at called Bearing Arms dot com. The man who operates it is named Bob Owens, and he gets a fair amount of traffic to his website. I've spent a little time studying him, but suffice to say he is an agitated, cynical man who can at times come across as pretty obnoxious. No doubt he has had to work on some personal rough edges in order to be a better online presence. It is with an obvious strained conceit, that he films his narcissistic approach to reporting on his versions of truth. I've so far suffered through his two videos on Lavoy's death, and "biased" is an understatement. He pretends to talk about the police state, but then never gives any kind of critical analysis of it, at least not in what I have seen. Indeed, we will look at two very specific statements he makes in the article-in-question to highlight this evident waffling; one in reference to a deceased boy named Tamir Rice and the other his morbid use of the word "squirters".
Without overtly attacking his person in place of our actual beef with the argument of Bob Owens, it is important to note that his kind of reporting only serves to terribly muddy the waters and at the end of the day land his audience squarely in the lap of the State which he pretends to critique.
In light of all the liberty-based views he claims to have, it is a mystery as to why he is so bent on determining this incident as legal and just, with nary a bit of real, critical journalism.
Sorry Bob, I would plead with you to take off your rose colored glasses, and come join the actual liberty movement.
Let me say right out of the gate that what has taken place in Malheur Co. is not the best way to have gone about things.
Frustration, anger, weariness, and an outright hatred of lies, deceit, and the blatant criminal activity of the syndicate-calling-itself-government often leads men to desperate measures. The truth is that because of three patsy operatives only one of whom I will name, the Bundy's, as well as Lavoy Finicum, were persuaded to take the refuge. These three government stooges have the very intimate ear of the Bundy's.
It is entirely no coincidence that Ryan Payne was allowed to exit Lavoy's vehicle prior to the execution.
Unfortunately, much of the really detailed data on the three provocateurs mentioned above has been scrubbed from the net(by the authors themselves), but there is still enough that you can research a bit on your own, and if you are truly interested beyond just calling me out for the appearance of no references, then contact me through this blog and I will provide you the names of certain militia who will spell things out quite clearly for you.
Full Definition of agent provocateur
plural agents provocateurs \ˈä-ˌzhäⁿ-prō-ˌvä-kə-ˈtər, ˈā-jən(t)s-prō-\
- : one employed to associate with suspected persons and by pretending sympathy with their aims to incite them to some incriminating action
So, assuming you've got some working knowledge on the situation outside Burns, Oregon, let's get into this article.
Bob Owens runs a site called BearingArms. He says he is devoted to guns, patriots, saving liberty, and saving lives. Well Bob, I am not sure what your definition is of saving liberty, but you've sure dropped the ball in your reporting on Levoy Finicum. What I'll be doing is selecting a few paragraphs from the article and then refuting them line by line. Mr. Owens' words will be red.
In case you think I'm taking anything out of context, you are free to visit his site, I am just not going to provide you the link here at my blog. The name of the article is "Lavoy Finnicum was not Murdered. He Forced Oregon Police to Shoot Him." You can also watch his outrageous videos, one of which is entitled "Lavoy Finnicum: Patriot, Patsy, or Fool?" If you haven't already, go take a look at the article.
That will bring various things I am about to say into even sharper focus.
The beginning of the article has Bob saying he was "stunned at some of the responses..." to his initial coverage on what happened. Yeah, it is just so stunning to see people appalled at the summary execution of a man with his hands up. Now, the whole point of Mr. Owens as well as others is that they believe Lavoy went to draw a weapon, therefore there is every reason he is now dead. I submit to you that what is actually "stunning" is the blatant disregard by Bob Owens of the fact that Lavoy stepped out of the vehicle with his hands in the air!! Tell me, if you really think that Lavoy wanted himself a shootout at the OK Corral, do you honestly believe that this author, horseman, marksman, loving husband, doting father, and highly intelligent patriot would not step out of the truck with his gun already drawn?
Give me a break. Those of you who are espousing Bob Owens' view need to admit that what you are saying is that Lavoy Finicum committed suicide by cop, or in this case FBI agent. Now do you really believe that this man who had so much responsibility resting upon him in the form of duty, family, and honor would really have not tried to "take a few with him" if indeed his mindset was as you are saying?
Do you really believe this man simply "committed suicide"? Really?
Maybe you deserve the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps you have not researched and listened to this man as much as I have. If not, I strongly encourage you to do so. Despite what you think happened on the side of that road, you can certainly learn a great deal from Lavoy Finnicum. He left us quite a legacy. Look him up on YouTube. This man was the real leader behind the opposition to government land grabbing. He was a huge thorn in their side and he had been fighting them tooth and nail through legal means, and he worked very efficiently behind the scenes during the Bundy ranch standoff and also outside Burns. Yes, he was on record talking about placing freedom over his life. The truth is many, many of us love to echo the founding fathers in saying, "Live Free or Die". It is a powerful statement. What a perfect target. He was most definitely a marked man.
In Bob's unchecked zeal to paint the FBI as loving and congenial, he spends a few sentences about how they allowed people to come and go from the refuge, and then says that a mere week earlier Ammon had left to meet with the FBI and then returned to the refuge safe and sound.
He is right! these types of meetings are on video. This was happening repeatedly! Ask yourself, if they wanted them so badly, why didn't the FBI take these men peacefully. Is it because Ammon and the rest left Lavoy back at the refuge during those meetings? Or is it simply because the FBI never do anything peaceful at all?
Whatever the case, the "authorities" clearly wanted a raw and violent ambush scenario where they could no doubt be justified in killing whomever they so desired. Bob Owens actually makes the statement that the group of men were headed to John Day to rally more support for their cause since there was so little support for them in Burns. Really? Again, is Bob Burns a critical journalist or not? He sounds more like a member of the presstitute media as one wades through his lines of BS. For one, where did you get that little tid-bit Bob? Because it is well known from everyone on the ground that close to 90% of that town was behind the cause and message of the men. The Hammond's themselves were very much behind them since no one likes to be unjustly jailed and have their lands stolen! The Feds simply made an offer that the Hammonds could not refuse and so they had to distance themselves from Finicum and Bundy.
Additionally, we have a very moving, intimate video with Lavoy where he is speaking together with several men. At one point, he exclaims with his arms outstretched, "We have more than enough people!"
Here is the link to the video.
Listen to Lavoy and others Explain the Truth of Things
So here is what Bob tells us next.
/////One of those vehicles was driven by Mark McConnell, Ammond Bundy’s bodyguard.
The other vehicle was driven by LaVoy Finicum.
On the two-lane highway between the Malheur NWR headquarters and John Day, officers with the Oregon State Police and agents of the FBI conducted simultaneous felony stops of both vehicles, separated by several hundred yards. Everyone in the vehicle driven by McConnell surrendered peacefully and were detained without issue./////
Good 'ol Mark McConnell. Who is this guy? We have a huge issue that no one seems very interested to address. If you go to YouTube, and enter Mark McConnell, you will find his self-made video describing events exactly contrary to what we later saw from the drone. I have no doubt he never thought for a million years they would release any of their footage. McConnell said Lavoy "charged the FBI.." He is a liar.
The government stooge Ryan Payne was in Lavoy's vehicle and he then exited the vehicle to "go talk to the FBI". Uh-huh.
At that point we have eye-witness testimony from two different women who were in the truck that as Lavoy stuck his head out of the window and actually said that he was unarmed, he was fired upon. At this point, he was less willing to comply as perhaps you might be, and so he then decided to keep going, not realizing this entire ambush was going just as planned.
I've provided a 12 minute video where you can see Lavoy stick his head and hands out. Then you can actually detect muzzle flashes. The video corresponds directly with the women's testimonies.
Please explain to me why, after the truck is clearly stopped, Ryan Payne walks over to the costumed goons, and Lavoy literally sticks his head and hands out of the window, why is it that none of them walk over to the vehicle and perform the text-book stop?
I submit to you it is because they wanted Lavoy to continue down the road into their deadly ambush. That is why their close-quarter shots missed.
The more I study this guy's words, the harder it is to treat him with any level of respect.
Bob Owens then says this:
/////The road in this section of the forest is a series of gentle curves. Finnicum accelerates down a short straight section of road faster than he can control into on-coming traffic, almost completely over the centerline. Fortunately, Oregon State Police had already stopped traffic flowing in the other direction, or Finicum very well could have killed a father and daughter in Jeep who became witnesses to what happened next./////
What? What are you doing Bob? Bob Owens has just speculated and further cast shadow on Lavoy Finicum by saying that he "very well could have killed a father and daughter..."!?
What's going on here? We have absolutely no idea where and when Lavoy would have met any oncoming traffic. To include this in one's article is nonsense and smacks of ulterior motives. Furthermore, when we watch the video, once he is really moving, Lavoy only barely crosses the line a couple of times(not, "almost completely over the centerline"), and then with decent line of sight. I guarantee you that he was well qualified to have adjusted if need be for any oncoming traffic. It is called being an operator of a vehicle, rather than someone who just steers, the latter category I would at this point likely place our friend Bob Owens.
We continue....
/////Oregon State Police had thrown several pickups and an SUV across the road in a hasty blocking position, and sent agents into the woods on each flank in positions to catch “squirters.” in case there was a foot pursuit. They clearly didn’t anticipate Finicum driving as fast as he did in questionable conditions. Finicum came flying around the curve at 9:15 into the video—just 1 minute and three seconds into his escape attempt—and turns into the snowbank on the inside of the curve./////
Now, it is here that we see the true colors of this self-professed "patriot". He has just used the term "squirters". You likely do not know what that refers to. I am at an utter loss of words as to why he would use such language, unless he truly is a paid shill. William R. Grigg had some things to say about the word "squirters", so I will just let him speak.
" It’s reasonable to expect that, before long, joystick-controlled missile platforms will become part of the standard SWAT arsenal. We should also anticipate learning that the term “bugsplat” has entered the law enforcement lexicon. That term, which was coined by Pentagon’s war planners prior to the Iraq war, was the name of a computer program intended to estimate the percentage of civilian casualties that would result in a given bombing raid.
The same lexicon of long-distance mass murder that gave us the term “bugsplat” offers another newly minted term to describe the terrified civilians who can be seen frantically running for cover: “Squirters.” The vaguely pornographic overtones of that expression are appropriate, given the ubiquity of what Dr. P.W. Singer of the Brookings Institution calls “predator porn” – footage of drone attacks proudly circulated by the purported heroes responsible for the carnage."
Predator porn. Yep, that's what we love, scared civilians running for cover. Chattel scurrying around who actually make really good exploding targets. Bob Owens just used the term "squirter" as a label for anyone fleeing into the woods.
Just let that sink in.
Owens highlights "questionable conditions". The roads were dry there Bob. I myself have driven that road a number of times, and like so many other roads in existence, the actual speeds one can do are far, far above posted limits, but I digress. He speculates on what the Fed "anticipated". Why? I believe it is far more reasonable to see that the Feds anticipated a very unsuspecting Lavoy driving right into their ambush after he had already been shot at. Then Owens highlights the fact Lavoy was "flying around the curve..." Why does he do this? Of course he was moving. He was trying to get away from corrupt agents of the state who had just fired upon him. He did not realize they had it all planned out. Listen carefully, Lavoy believed he was bound for a meeting with many supporters, including a sheriff. He obviously wanted to get there where there would be plenty of witnesses, and I am convinced that he believed he could make it.
In respect of brevity, I'm going to skip over and otherwise summarize a bit of the article and then we will get to more quotes.
Bob Owens starts going through frame by frame in order to elaborate on his opinion that the "officers" were simply acting accordingly and Lavoy Finicum presents a clear and present threat to them. Now, it is no secret that we have a massive problem with trigger happy, even rogue police in this country believing themselves to be the law, rather than upholders of law. We don't have time to discuss this issue but it is well worth mentioning that when you are the one with all the training, all the high tech gear, all the authority, you would think a bit more discretion could be used. The problem is, number one protocol for these LEOs is always "officer safety". Officer safety overrides any and all other protocols that these guys may have, every time, all the time. Due to this, innocent people are regularly gunned down.
Now, what is notable is that in Owens' frame by frame analyses, he leaves out two very crucial frames. The frames he leaves out are covered very professionally by a YouTube user. I've provided the video clip below. In it, we clearly see that a man steps out and shoots Levoy while his hands are raised, which causes him to grab himself, and he then points at the man, likely exclaiming, "he shot me!"
These two frames, Levoy being initially shot while his hands are raised, and then Levoy simply pointing at the man, are both extremely crucial, yet Bob Owens conveniently leaves them out of his analyses. Hmmm...
This drone video that we have can easily be used to make it seem as if Lavoy is drawing his weapon. That is the only reason the FBI actually released it!
However, on closer inspection, we do not see Lavoy drawing his weapon, but in fact we see him being mercilessly gunned down by clumsy, frightened goons.
Watch this 4 minute video. It is an extremely important one.
Here we have another great video specifically highlighting the frames Bob Owens left out, showing Lavoy pointing at the man who shoots him while his hands were still up.
Bob Owens just can't understand why people don't see it his way.
Well Bob, perhaps it is because we are actually being critical of the entire incident as well as this bone that was thrown to us by the very syndicate you say you oppose.
The bone I speak of is of the course the low resolution drone video. Bob Owens speaks about everything becoming clear just as soon as we get to see the autopsy reports and just as soon as we get to find out how many bullet holes are in Lavoy's truck.
Sure Bob, let me know how that all pans out for you.
Mark my words, it will be a freezing cold day in hell before that autopsy ever gets released to the public, and the sun will cease to crest the horizon some fated morning before we ever hear from "authorities" how many bullet holes are in that truck.
We continue....
/////Finicum drops his hands a final (time), and turns towards the officer who is now moving forward out of the treeline. He is making movements consistent with drawing a weapon, what is typically known in legal circles as a “furtive gesture.” He’s doing almost exactly what got Tamir Rice shot in Cleveland./////

Lavoy Finicum exited the vehicle immediately with his hands instantly raised. No one had to tell him to do so. Again, why would he not have had his weapon already out if his intention was to die? Lavoy did not pose a threat to these mind-washed knuckle-draggers, yet I have no doubt they were scared out of their minds. A man clearly crawls out and shoots Lavoy in the gut, and then scurries away with no care of turning his back on a supposedly armed man. Lavoy grabs himself and then points to the man. Realizing he is to be gunned down like an animal, Lavoy is turning around in the snow, using his hands for balance, and then again grabs himself.
In one of Owens' asinine videos he says Levoy could not have gotten shot, because you go down when shot.
Well Bob Owens, I've no doubt you yourself would fall down, but we are talking about a hardened working man, who likely had tendons like cables from throwing hay all his life, had a resolve that few men ever taste, and adrenaline rushing through his obviously fit frame.
He stood firm.

Then we have possibly the single most idiotic thing that ol' Bob has said yet. He literally has the sick, twisted nerve to bring up Tamir Rice. Tamir Elijah Rice is the 12 year old boy who was playing in his local playground with a toy gun on November 23rd, 2014. A nearby elderly man called 911 to report Tamir, not to say that the kid was threatening him mind you, but that he was waving around the TOY GUN. The man specifically says that Tamir has a toy gun. When the cops show up, they come flying up onto the grass next to the gazebo where Tamir is sitting down, and as the kid stands up, the passenger goon gets out and center punches him, killing him deader than a hammer. In less than a second, this tax-feeder executes Tamir Rice for playing with a toy gun in the park.
This is the example that Bob Owens wants to draw from? I think this is enough to discredit this pretend patriot, and his sheer stupidity is enough to warrant a couple of "furtive gestures" that I could think of. Seriously, I do not like this guy. As a Christian I am called to love him and pray for him, but I do not like him.
We continue.....
/////Finicum pulls his jacket open with his left hand and reaches inside with his right hand as he continues turning towards the officer emerging from the treeline. This is a man who has been told repeatedly to keep his hands up, who knows he is being covered by two police officers with guns, intentionally reaching into his clothing in a motion that anyone with defensive firearms training would consider an attempt to acquire a weapon./////
Our view is from above. We have no idea whether Lavoy "pulls his jacket open with his left hand and reaches inside with his right hand". What "this" is, is a man who has just been shot. It is far more likely that he is turning and holding himself where he had sustained the bullet impact.
He does indeed know he is being covered in a cross-fire situation, and that the odds are unwinnable. Why then would Lavoy Finicum choose to commit suicide, when he would have a powerful case in court? Let's say he was going for his weapon. Might that not be the natural reaction of someone who had just been shot while trying to surrender? The bottom line is that with this overhead footage, we just can't make the kinds of concrete assertions that Bob Owens wants to make about what Lavoy was doing with his hands. Critical journalism is a thing of the past in mainstream media, and when we see such a blatant disregard for this staple of honest reporting, we have every reason to hold the independent pressman suspect.
As far as what these LEOs were "considering" at the time, we may never know the truth of, since any ground footage, autopsy, or LEO statements will never be forthcoming.
Bob Owens several times moves to discredit Victoria Sharp, one of the women in the vehicle with Lavoy. He says this...
////It is very obvious from the position of the officer’s muzzles so quickly after Finicum went down that the claims of Victoria Sharp that he was shot multiple times while down are an abject lie. There are simply no guns pointed at him at this time.
It is also sadly clear from the video that Victoria Sharp, the young woman who claimed that Finicum was shot while his hands were up was lying. It is also clear that her claim that 100 rounds were fired at the truck is also a bald-faced lie./////
One thing is for sure. If you take Mark McConnel's testimony, and overlay it on the video, it does not match up. However, when you take Victoria Sharp's testimony and overlay it on the video footage, it is a much closer match. There are in fact several guns still pointed at Lavoy after he has been put down. Watch again there Bobby. The reality is, we have it now on record from the family members, that Lavoy was shot 9 times! One of those rounds they put right in his face. Watch this 9 minute video.
As far as the fact he was shot while his hands were up, we have reasonably established that was indeed the case from simply looking at the frames that Bob Owens left out of his little critique.
/////The rest of the video from the circling aircraft is routine. There is no sign of any other gunfire at all..../////
Wrong again Bob. Tufts of snow reveal continued fire being directed toward the vehicle.
/////It is later said that a 9mm pistol was recovered from the inside left pocket of Finicum’s coat./////
Lavoy told them he was unarmed during the first stop. It looks very probable that he had actually left his weapon back at the refuge, because he was on his way to talk with a very peaceful gathering of over 400 people which included a very sympathetic sheriff. The family says they have the serial number of the 9mm the FBI says they pulled off Lavoy. It comes back stolen. Uh-huh.
Well, the remainder of Owens' article is a jumbled mess of accusatory and inflammatory remarks toward Lavoy as well as heaps of more unfounded speculation and disinformation. I believe I have unhanded his arguments sufficiently to cast serious doubt upon any further reasoning he provides.
Levoy was indeed ambushed.
Levoy Finicum was trying to comply with a very hostile entity. It is no secret just how lethal cops have become. My family knows not to call the cops. Calling the cops always invites more death in my perspective. Lavoy Finicum knew his life was in grave danger. He attempted to carefully comply. They shot at him and purposely missed in order to goad him into fleeing right into the arms of the deadly roadblock.

Let's be clear, that was a textbook "deadly roadblock". Parking those cars in such a way as to force a crash is standard op when you have an unpredictable felon fleeing to the unknown.
The problem is, they knew exactly where the vehicle was going, they knew exactly who they had, and they intentionally chose this remote area with no witnesses.
My friends, we must be critical in our investigation of events like these. The entire practice of critical journalism has been lost on today's media. Journalism can literally be defined as "asking the questions nobody wants you to ask". Critical journalism can be found within the pages of the internet and the independent pressman that are waging the information war against the powers of the State and the Banksters behind it. Men like this Bob Owens are not doing the fight for liberty any favors. There is such a danger of government plants and patsies like Ryan Payne that even bright men such as Lavoy Finicum are fooled by such evil schemes. Lavoy Finicum was a devout lover of freedom. A simple, hardworking man, he was moved my conviction and passion that few ever act upon. The futile pleading and laboring with the juggernaut of the State over his own land led him to believe that a harder stand must be made. As he purveyed the landscape of our nation and beheld such utter insanity and hopelessness, he was bound by his own conscience to expose the wicked and unchecked powers of the State. He actually accomplished that.
We lost a powerful and influential leader in the stand against tyranny when Lavoy Finicum was heartlessly gunned down. No one will ever have to answer for their crimes, but we can honor the man by at least speaking to others about the wrong-doings of the State, by doing everything you can to be self-sustaining, and by striving for a critical and honest journalistic approach to the event that surround us from day to day.
May the Lord shine His truth down upon you, and may you find grace upon grace as difficult trials bring you face to face with the Creator and you are found overwhelmed in the boundless flow of His life-giving love.
"I'm not willing to make diffinitive statements regarding when during the video Mr Finicum was shot. But it is clear that the FBI intentionally escalated a confrontation with a group of peaceful citizens who were engaged in moral civil disobedience. Again even if Mr Finicum was reaching for a weapon that is an appropriate response when one is being killed. We all have the GOD given right to self defense. "Officers of the law" are just men like any other and through objectionable militant training and their own fallen nature have shown beyond a preponderance that they will in fact commit homicide just like farmers, plumbers, and electricians. This on the heels of the killing of Jack Yantis leaves an extreme sadness in me. But we do know that the LORD will see justice done."