“The difference between animals and humans is that animals change themselves for the environment, but humans change the environment for themselves” Ayn Rand
Wading into the more than 4 feet of compressed snow atop my garage, I jammed my fortified snow shovel down into the morass with both arms overhead like I were spear fishing the Amazon. A thin, 1 foot flake fell forward. The realization of just how much time and effort would be needed to finish this little project had me questioning my resolve to continue homesteading the mountains of Idaho. My son's cheerful glee from being able to slide all the way from the roof to ground broke through my thoughts, and I was reminded of at least one reason why we moved up here: Pristine wilderness, fresh air, water not poisoned with fluoride, doing as I please on my own land, and becoming as self-sufficient as possible. Still, this was a helluva lot of snow. It is the first of April now and we are watching the last of the snow melt. We are experiencing record runoff and flooding. This kind of snowfall has not been seen for at least 32 years, and one record involving amount of snowfall between December and January from the late 1800s was broken. First of all, I would like to make a prediction: We will be seeing these kinds of winters for some time to come. Sure, I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
I may be fairly new to the mountain, but I've lived my entire life in Idaho, with the exception of leaving for awhile and returning in the winter of '03. In the early 80s, we had severe winters all the time and regularly saw 3' of snow to the east and west of Boise. Then, times changed.
One consistent thing about climate is that......it changes. On average, when you think about it, you will see somewhere around 30 year cycles. We have had a great deal of mild winters. Expect that to change.
Did you know that many of the same scientists who have been preaching a global warming in the 90s were also the ones preaching a coming age of global ice and cooling effects in the late 70s?
True story.
One of the greatest hoaxes of all time has been to convince society that we face a global meltdown. We do not. The glaciers are not melting, the ozone layer is not fading, the seas are not rising, and carbon is not making the earth hotter nor is carbon killing plants. In fact, it is carbon levels which follow the ebb and flow of global heat signatures, and it is carbon which plants use for their crucial process of photosynthesis....yes, carbon monoxide too.
There is no such thing as so called "greenhouse gas". What they are referring to is large quantities of water vapor with a scant bit of various elements mixed in. Of that vast layer of water, a miniscule amount is actually carbon, and of that a very inconsequential amount is anything that could be construed as contributed by man.
It is the sun's activity which changes the planet's climate, and it is the slight differences in our orbit that bring different degrees of actual changes.
No need to levy carbon tax upon industry. No need to tax methane emmissions from a rancher's cow.
No need to regulate diesel and gas engine manufacturers into oblivion.
No need for alarmist talk and fear mongering.
No need to focus the children on "saving the earth" rather than excelling in dominating it.
"Contrary to the ecologists, nature does not stand still and does not maintain the kind of equilibrium that guarantees the survival of any particular species - least of all the survival of her greatest and most fragile product: man.” Ayn Rand
Interestingly enough, during the writing of this short blog post, I became embroiled in a debate through email thread involving several people over this exact same subject. As a result, I've been forced to peruse reams of convoluted data and papers attempting to back up climate alarmist thinking. It was a real hoot. Consequently, I thought it good to include some more scientific explanation of a few things during this thoughtful foray into the subject.
Global cooling has changed to global warming and has now changed to climate change.
This is the epitome of pseudo-science because climate is ALWAYS CHANGING.
Guess what the solution has always been for global cooling, global warming, and now the ever ambiguous climate change?
The solution from political liberals has always been and continues to be massive government control of the economy, the energy sector, and every area of our lives. Thanks, but no thanks.
The amount of lies and disinformation coming out of the green movements is stunning. The NOAA itself has been caught red handed altering global temperature data. We need the truth.
The truth is that in 1900, 99.97% of the Earth’s atmosphere contained gas molecules other than CO2. Today, it’s 99.96%. And the 99.96% vs. 99.97% atmospheric gaseous concentration doesn’t even address the oceans–which is where 93% of the heat energy in the climate system is contained and/or subjected to variation.
This is important. There is no CO2 warming signal in the whole satellite temperature data. No CO2 warming signature anywhere.
During my aforementioned debate, I put a question to my interlocutors, one an irrational social activist and the other a liberal scholar. The question presented was this: CAN YOU PRODUCE A PAPER THAT SHOWS EMPIRICALLY THAT CO2 CAUSES WARMING IN A CONVECTIVE ARMOSPHERE?
They ranted and raved about the evils of capitalism and the poison of fossil fuels, but they could not answer the question. This wasn't a case of me not accepting an answer or trying to get them to define meaning. I mean they literally ignored the question and refused to answer.
The reality is that what the world needs is not decreased fossil fuel use but increased use with careful control of conventional pollutants using conventional controls where needed and justified. Conventional controls are much less expensive and much more certain to be effective than attempting to reduce fossil fuel use in order to reduce conventional pollution.
Check out this quote from a man named Alan Carlin. Mr. Carlin was heavily involved in environmental activism in the Sierra Club and was over 45 years working as an analyst for the EPA.
About ten years ago, he realized he could no longer endorse the energy use/CO2 reduction objectives by the environmental movement.
He said this:
////The much maligned carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, as EPA and Obama claim, but rather a basic input to plant photosynthesis and growth, which is the basis of life on Earth. Decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels would decrease plant productivity and therefore the food supply for the rest of the ecosystem and humans, and vice versa. Further, attempts to reduce it will prove enormously expensive, futile, harmful to human welfare, and in the longer run, to environmental improvement. It is now increasingly evident that efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by governmental coercion will have important non-environmental adverse effects in terms of loss of freedom of scientific inquiry, economic growth and development, and the rule of law.///
Fascinating. Here is a man who set out to make a change in caring for our environment. What did he find?
Nothing but Marxism re-packaged.
This is the reality we face in the onslaught of the biggest hoax ever played upon society at large.
However, because you are all crammed up in one place and can't breathe, doesn't make it a global pandemic.
We need to take a step back, think about what we are being told, and refuse to abide by strangulating regulations that seek to destroy American ingenuity, motivation, creativity, industry, and success.
For us here in Idaho, we will need to get used to these kinds of winters, because it seems like it is time for some real climate change. Don't worry though, in time it will change.
"City smog and filthy rivers are not good for men(though they are not the kind of danger that the ecological panic-mongers proclaim them to be). This is a scientific, technological problem--not a political one--and it can be solved only by technology. Even if smog were a risk to human life, we must remember that life in nature, without technology, is wholesale death." [Quoted from "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution", 1971]
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