We are creatures of thought and study, albeit some more than others.
As such, we require good and true information in order to participate in the very best choices for our family and ourselves.
Even when someone makes a poor decision, it was initially based on a particularly informed action that seemed good to the decider at the time. What if that challenge at work had to it a particular path that ended up with you being fired, i.e. the wrong choice? Would you want to have sufficient information of how to tackle the challenge ahead of time? What if that park your kid wanted to play at was currently a hotbed for Hepatitis? Would that matter to you? What if your finances were at zero and you were headed to the restaurant? Would you like to have checked your bank account?
Recently, my wife and I thought to rent a movie with Matthew McConaughey entitled "Killer Joe". We knew nothing about it, and at the outset it seemed like a good flick. Since it only said "not rated" I decided to research it. I quickly punched up a Christian movie review site and proceeded to discover that the movie was full of the most vile scenes from start to finish. We will watch violence and language from time to time depending upon context, but the sadomasochistic pornography in the film had earned it an actual NC-17 rating. This was not a movie we desired to view. I gained information before making my decision. Have you ever wanted to know the quality of a film before watching it? How about that new car? What if the car you chose had massive factory defects and was failing on the road at high speeds? Would that piece of information be important for you to know?
The information we receive matters a great deal to us, even when we are not really thinking about it. Over and over again, we decide what to do, based upon what we know. Just imagine if all those scenarios I mentioned actually had those exact terrible outcomes and consequences, and you were headed right into them not only without the necessary information, but wholly unable to even gain it? I suspect you would not be thrilled, after all, this is America right?! We are free and able to determine our own choices and destiny completely unhindered by external forces right?! We have all the important and relevant information right at our fingertips for making the very best decisions right?! What if you weren't really free to get the right information pertinent to your decision?
Well, a great man named Johann von Goethe once said,
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
That's a quote worth dwelling upon. When it comes to information being right at our fingertips, this is certainly true, but most of us take that for granted and neglect the time and research it may take to break free from the scripted speeches we are fed by marxist systems of government, corporations, and media. This brings us to my point.
Today we face a massively aggressive onslaught of a very powerful stratagem of agendas to push, bully, coerce, and otherwise frighten people into accepting a plethora of vaccines for themselves and their children, no matter the age.
Here is what I would like for you to think about. The pro-vaccine community absolutely, positively does not want you to have any information whatsoever about the other side of this discussion. In fact, there is no discussion according to them. To them, it is a foregone conclusion. Creating foregone conclusions is literally a tactic of politics and media. Whether it is a particular bill that needs passed, a war to be started, a politician to gain office, or even the best vacation spot, foregone conclusions are pushed upon us all the time. In other words, if people feel that something is already going forward despite their personal view, most of the populace is likely to throw in with it. Those few stragglers that remain stubborn get railroaded by the masses. It is extremely effective.
Have you ever noticed how aggressive the vaccine pushers are? They absolutely demand that vaccines are the best choice for you, and they are utterly appalled at any contrasting view to this, making no qualms to label dissenters to their view as quacks and crazies bordering on the criminal. A large majority of society has been affected by this mindset, and therefore speech against vaccines is usually seen as taboo if not dangerous. Many of us have experienced this first hand. If you have never dealt with this issue, or are wondering what is the best decision for yourself, I strongly encourage you to study the facts.
By all means, make the choice you think is best, but please, for the love of family and truth, study the information that is available.
This will not be an exhortation you receive from conventional medicine. The cold reality is that they will actually do everything in their power to ensure that you do not get the whole picture.
At the most prestigious hospital in the country, The Mayo Clinic, we find a strong advocacy for vaccines. One of the leading doctors pushing the vaccines is Professor Robert M. Jacobsen M.D. He made a power point together with the CDC to be shown to other doctors in order for them to learn how to coax parents into vaccinating their children. Here is a bit of the wording from that power point. I've provided a link at the bottom so you can look at it yourself. (1)
CDC Information
•Don’t plan on printing and giving to parents
•Don’t plan on emailing them the links
•Instead read and remember to make your CASE
I find this teaching to be very deceptive.
The CASE acronym stands for Corroborate, About me, Science, and Explain.
This is literally a covert tactic to teach doctors how to squelch concerns, to be reassuring, and to sound informative without ever really divulging any damning data surrounding vaccines.
Here is another bit towards the end of the power point.
•Persuade rather than inform –CASE
•Corroborate → About Me → Science → Explain/Advise –Aristotelian Rhetoric
•Pathos → Ethos → Logos → Pathos
•Know your sources of information –ACIP and its recommendations –CDC and its resources
What is your real response to the idea that you should be persuaded rather than informed? You should be outraged quite frankly.
The truth is that authentic persuasion of someone to a particular way of thinking involves all necessary and relevant information. It involves honesty and transparency as the position is presented to the other person in compassion and truth.
The above has nothing to do with persuading anyone. It has everything to do with coercion.
They want desperately to coerce you to the idea of accepting vaccines no matter what it takes, rather than engaging in actual persuasion because the truth of the matter is extremely disturbing.
Fear is a commonly employed tactic, and they make no bones about it. Quoted in the New York Times in 2004, Dr. Lance Rodewald, director of the CDC’s Immunization Services Division, said this:
"Frightening parents about the consequences of failing to vaccinate their children will most likely be part of the campaign. For that task, meningoccal meningitis is ideal"
You may be interested to learn you won't find a shred of reporting over at the mainstream news channels dealing with a recent horror in Mexico involving vaccines. The Mexican Social Security Institute, or IMSS, administered the BCG (tuberculosis), rotavirus and hepatitis B vaccines at the hospital in Simojovel as part of the National Vaccination Program. The aftermath left 2 babies dead, 14 children in serious condition, 1 in critical condition, and 22 in stable condition. (2) There were a total of 52 kids vaccinated making the percentage harmed a staggering 75%.
I'm not sure if you gamble, but in Vegas those are considered poor odds. The issue here is that your M.D. will tell you that vaccines are 100% safe.
Reams of data exist that show otherwise.
Endless accounts like the one above could be provided that if you weren't left completely abhorrent of vaccines, it would be at least apparent that "100% safe" is the very last thing they are. Don't you owe it to yourself to find out? Don't you owe it to your kids?
You may wonder why in the world the CDC would not want you to hear all the facts. Well, for one the CDC is also the biggest customer of pharmaceutical companies when it comes to purchasing vaccines, as they purchase more than $4 billion worth of vaccines every year. This creates a huge conflict of interest for an agency that is supposed to be overseeing vaccine safety.

You need to research.
The authorities think you are stupid. They have placed the data right in the vaccine inserts. That is a great place to start.
On the FDA’s website where package inserts for all vaccines are published, autism is actually listed as an “adverse event” as recent as 2005 for the diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine. (3) This package insert is still on the FDA website (at the time of this writing), and it states:
Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting.

Are you aware that a Federal Vaccine Court has been created to "deal with" the largely unknown world of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP)?
Since 1989, and as of Jan. 2013; over 2.5 billion dollars have been paid out from this vaccine caused injury and death compensation fund. $2,550,640,666.73 is the current total figure paid out from this federal court system; which includes attorney fees, (paid out, win or lose the case). Since the first Vaccine Injury Compensation claims were made in 1989, 3,110 compensation payments have been made, $2,389,329,250.45 disbursed to petitioners and $94,604,103.72 paid to cover attorney’s fees and other legal costs.

You may be surprised to learn that the number one injury-causing vaccination paid out on by the Vac court is the Flu vaccine. This is just a sample. Click on the clink below for the full government report. (4)
Not only is the flu vaccine utterly useless, it is extremely dangerous. It is impossible to test a vaccine that changes every year. So the flu vaccine is basically an experimental vaccine that they want to give out to 300 million people every year. There are also zero studies showing the safety of giving the flu vaccine to the same person every single year. The consequences of this nightmarish procedure have been horrific as the records show.
Hopefully, something you've read here has caused you to wonder if perhaps you are not as informed as you should be when it comes to vaccines. Perhaps your everyday decisions don't include whether or not to inject yourself or loved ones with chemicals and viruses. What about your neighbor? Do you care if they have sufficient information to make the best decisions for their family?
For those of us who already know, this is a rallying cry that we are indeed in an information war. The rage and paranoia of the pro-vaccine community is deafening. You had better know your stuff when you enter the arena to oppose vaccinations, because I can assure you, the establishment has all the power and means necessary to not only make sure you don't get what you need to know, but to force you to dose your children "for the good of society", even when you may disagree.
What will it take for America to wake up? Repent, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Plead with Him to grant you the wisdom and knowledge to do the right thing.
(1) C.A.S.E. Power Point
(2) Mexico Vaccination Fatalities
(3) Vaccine Insert Admits Autism Possible
(4) Federal Vaccine Injury Reports
I am so thankful that I stumbled upon these vaccination blogs of yours! Ezra has been fully vaccinated up till this point only because I’ve been so ignorant to them and have felt really pushed by his doctor and the nurses to give them to him. Since I really didn’t know any better I didn’t feel I had a reason to object. Most of the time they really didn’t even explain to me what they were giving him or even ask me for permission. They would pull them out all ready to go and say ok hold him down it’s time for shots! This last year I feel I’ve been so much more enlightened and reading these posts helped encourage me that much more about my decision to not vaccinate our newcomimg little one! Thanks Dan!