Thursday, April 2, 2015

Accepting Trojan Horses

    {This post is an interlude between the 5 part study of vaccinations, so as we press on in exposing the evils of that slowkill deception, please join me in standing up for all truth.}

    While forced vaccinations are looming on the horizon, many parents wise to the scheme are happy to see legislation that would ensure their own authority as parents to raise their children as they see fit.
Socialists like to "couch" their agenda inside catchy little ideas such as "it's not just about you, it's about the community" or "it's your responsibility to invest your time for the good of the whole". In this 30 second clip we see MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry tell us that while your children are "totally your responsibility", what that includes is "recognizing the collective notion that these are our children". She declares that children do not belong to their parents, but to whole communities.

See for yourself.


    While many thinking Americans can see through this kind of gross Communistic idealism, sometimes the same Americans may be deceived by certain legislation that while on the surface appear good, underneath is just more writhing maggots feeding on the rotting flesh of our fast decaying liberties.

One such piece of legislation recently passed in Idaho, my home state. At 10:23 am on March 31st of this year, House Bill 113 was delivered to the governor as having passed through three separate votes by house and senate to be Idaho law.
    HB113 is entitled "Idaho Fundamental Parental Rights Protection", and a true reading of it reveals it is exactly the opposite of what it pretends to be. Unfortunately, the majority of local Christians, Republicans, and homeschoolers jumped on this bill as being a wonderful leap in human freedom. It is anything but that.
Before you kick back for another of my sound tromping of those too blind to see, I must tell you that I too jumped on that bill's bandwagon, emailing over twenty house representatives, giving them a brief but passionate explanation as to why they needed to pass that bill and ensure my rights as a parent. I found out about the bill the night before it was to go to the floor the first time, and without reading it, fired off my vigilant missive.

    So mind you, on the whole, the majority of local freedom loving Christians have embraced this bill. Locally operated websites abounded, encouraging people to write their representatives and congressman. One such website looked like this....


READ House Bill 113 : It explicitly states that, “Parents and legal guardians who have legal custody of minor children have a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, education and control of their children.”

Pretty convincing huh.
The frustrating part is that I knew better. Most glaringly is the reality that we do not need the state to tell us that we have final and absolute authority over our children.
This falls under the same category as the 501c3 tax exemption for churches. Churches are already exempt. Signing on with the 501c3 program grants the government power over the right itself.
Additionally, the hope of the sideshow prostitutes-pretending-to-play-politics ever actually accomplishing anything real is truly an exercise in futility.
 I have all the tools at my disposal to expose the ridiculousness of placing any stock whatsoever in the thought of actual reform happening in any part of today's masquerade ball calling itself government.
Then there is that pesky "hope" thing that pops up!
Forgetting to investigate a little deeper before committing to throwing your support in for anything at all is a sin, because you may be accepting folly as truth.
At this point you may be wondering what exactly is the problem with the bill, or at least I hope you are. Well, for your perusal, I give you a few excerpts from said bill and commentary from a friend who will remain nameless.

Here is part of the text from the amended bill (emphasis added):

(1) Neither the state of Idaho, nor any political subdivision thereof, may violate a parent's fundamental and established rights protected by this act, and any restriction of or interference with such rights shall not be upheld unless it demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the restriction or interference is both:

(a) Essential to further a compelling governmental interest; and

(b) The least restrictive means available for the  furthering of that compelling governmental interest.

(2) The foregoing principles apply to any interference whether now existing or hereafter enacted.

In other words, government may violate parental rights if it has a compelling interest.  The definition or extent of said "compelling interest" is never defined.  Forced vaccination or other medical intervention, diet, compulsory school attendance, testing, or other educational control, curfews, means of discipline, "rights of the child", or anything else that can come to mind is fair game as long as government can show a "compelling interest".
The bill even gives an example of it's dangerous power by specifically protecting the existing governmental violation of parental rights found in the abomination known as the child protective act:"

(3) Nothing in this act shall be construed as invalidating the provisions of the child protective act in chapter 16, title 16, Idaho Code, or modify the burden of proof at any stage of proceedings under the child protective act.

  "Despite the flowery language that the bill starts out with, including the words "unalienable rights", the bill makes it obvious that the real agenda is to lay out a platform to define and grant parental rights by the state.  Take, for example, the language used for education:"

Parents who have legal custody of any minor child or children have the fundamental right and duty to make decisions concerning their education, including the right to cause the child to be educated in any manner authorized under section 33 - 202, Idaho Code, and section 9, article IX, of the constitution of the state of Idaho.

"Note that there is no recognition of an unalienable parental right to educate their children, but rather permission (or compulsion, as evidenced by the word "duty") to do so under the language of the state constitution (this part of the state constitution simply implements the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto, by the way)."

Are you disturbed yet? 

Perhaps you wondered what my friend is talking about with the whole Communist Manifesto thing. Let me show you. The code says much of what Article 9 says.

Here is Idaho Code 33-202
  1. Idaho Code, section 33-202. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMPULSORY. The parent or guardian of any child resident in this state who has attained the age of seven (7) years at the time of the commencement of school in his district, but not the age of sixteen (16) years, shall cause the child to be instructed in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools of the state of Idaho. To accomplish this, a parent or guardian shall either cause the child to be privately instructed by, or at the direction of, his parent or guardian; or enrolled in a public school or public charter school, including an online or virtual charter school or private or parochial school during a period in each year equal to that in which the public schools are in session; there to conform to the attendance policies and regulations established by the board of trustees, or other governing body, operating the school attended. 
  Here is the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto:
10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

    What you need to realize is that people are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call this the Department of Education, the NEA, and Outcome Based "Education".

    That is perhaps for another blog post, but the point is while many homeschoolers already understand this link to communism in the public school system they have apparently been unable to detect the language couched within HB113 that expressly hands over their rights to the state, rather than protect them.

    The problem with this bill is that it has very subjective language, as my friend pointed out, with special attention to what the state may deem "essential to furthering government interest".
In fact, if you read the Idaho Code above, we find that while it provides for the right of parents to school their own children, this said schooling must "conform to the...policies and regulations established by the board of trustees, or other governing body...".

    Interesting isn't it. 

  You see, the state is hereby given a superseding right over the parent to determine what is a "comparative education". 

It is to this final code that all other legislation is referenced.

   In so doing, they can effectively write up anything that may go into great depth describing the "fundamental rights of parent", while at the end of the day, when the tire really meets the road, all they have to do is declare that your education is not comparative to public education.

    Do you know what happens when they determine said lack of comparatives?
Sometimes, it can be real nasty as many a good Christian parent has discovered.
The state certainly has a fair warning described here in 33-207.

                                                                                                                                                          Idaho Code, section 33-207. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST PARENTS OR GUARDIANS.
  1. Whenever the parents or guardians of any child between the ages of seven (7) years, as qualified in section 33-202, Idaho Code, and sixteen (16) years, have failed, neglected or refused to place the child in school as provided in this chapter or to have the child COMPARATIVELY INSTRUCTED as defined in section 33-202, Idaho Code,...........proceedings shall be brought against such parent or guardian under the provisions of the juvenile corrections act or as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section.
    We do not need the state's permission to school our children. It is a command from God and a law of the land. It is an un-leinable right (yes, I said un-leinable as that was the original term) which no man may infringe upon.
Much like carrying a gun or being exempt from taxes as a church, these rights already belong to us by our very Constitution, and we do not need 'color of law' codes to get us to think we need permission, only to find out these codes have only provided our handlers with the ability to jerk that which we had to begin with.

    See, here is the thing. Since 2009, Idaho has been enjoying some of the greatest (if not the greatest) freedoms in the country with regards to homeschooling and family rights. Believe me, it wasn't always that way, not by a long shot.

    What needs to be seen is that along with Idaho's newly restored family freedom has come major assault by those who hate freedom and hate this country which was once so great. 

    The city of Troy was great and impenetrable. Her citizens believed themselves safe and secure. They accepted a gift of a giant horse from their enemies. Inside that horse was their doom. We would do well to learn from the past. HB113 was not worthy of support; in fact quite the opposite. Unfortunately, we may have already been caught in the snares laid out by those who seek to restrict our freedoms in the name of "protecting" our freedoms.
     At this juncture in history, we must continue to carry the banner of truth and keep the faith as we obey Christian duty and EXPOSE THE WORKS OF DARKNESS.

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