So you think the answer to drug abuse is to give the government power over it huh?
Right, and prohibition gave us sainted knights of righteousness conducting choirs in the streets.
Stop swallowing the deception.
The war on drugs is an absolute joke.
Ask any cop, the very same government "cracking down on the criminals in the streets" is the same one shipping the narcotics into the country.
Have you seen the US marines guarding the endless fields of poppies?
Oh yeah, that's right! The heroine trade has ramped back up to astronomical numbers ever since we brought our war machine to the desert.
Someone said to me that marijuana use just produces zombies in the streets.
Ooohhh, ooohh, zombies in the streets, ahhh, eehh, hoo, ha, zombies, zombies!!
Methinks you watch too much TV bro. That's right, I used the word "methinks"; and another thing, over against the millions of people who die each year from cigarettes, alcoholism, car crashes, obesity, and on and on, guess how many people die from marijuana....exactly zero.
How about you go look up the latest stats on Prozak, Ridilin, Zoloft, Paxil, and all the rest of the poison!
How about dope for Alzheimers, Diabetes, or even freaking heartburn?! Are you aware of the terrible effects those concoctions have while only exacerbating the problems, causing them to last, and making the person need more dope?
How about chemo therapy???!!!! Have you seen the "zombie children" being radiated with this mustard gas treatment?
Are you aware that in the not too distant past, a cancer ridden child used to be a strange anomaly for which scientists would fly in to see, yet now we have high rise buildings full of them??!! But I digress.
I was watching a rare football game yesterday and I noticed many of the players and coaches were wearing pink. They were doing this in a show of solidarity for the Susan G. Komen's "Race for the Cure" foundation. I wonder how many of them know they're being duped into propping up the charade to further enslave the masses? How many of today's sports idols would be bold enough to tell the world that the cure for cancer already exists? 100? 50? 20? 10? You'd be hard pressed to find just one, gauranteed.
Oh, and I guess you don't care that Susan G. Komen regularly contributes her received donations into the Planned Muderhood racket.
Yeah, but who's counting, eh?
Perhaps you are a Christian who likes to talk about how drugs are witchcraft and are the devil's playground?
So, you know how we make that argument right?
'Pharmakia' is the Greek word for witchcraft. Guess what English word we get from that word for witchcraft?
Weed? Beer? Heroine? Opium?
Nope! None of The above.
It translates to pharmaceuticals!!! These are lab-made, stirred together ingredients which would by themselves kill you, yet when blended these concocted serums wreak havoc on the body while trying to conjure up healing. Hmmm...sounds like witchery if ever there was some huh.
If you want to preach against evil, preach against Big Pharma. They're slow-killing society by design.
Furthermore, I am not for legalizing of marijuana. I am for the decriminalization of marijuana.
As in most things, the government needs to get it's filthy mitts out of it.
Let free market handle it.
Let drugs take care of themselves, and believe me they will.
If they are abused, lives will be destroyed, crimes will be committed.
Jail those who commit crimes, not those who are carrying a baggie in their pocket. Of course we are talking about the harder stuff here because almost entirely non-existent is a violent marijuana smoker; nor are they officially addicted, nor are they prone to commit crime due to the plant, nor are their lives specifically ruined by smoking a plant.
Wake up!!
Government is to be removed from the handling of it. Just like they should not regulate strawberries or raw milk, so they need to get their filthy hands out of weed. Currently, the legalizing of it in a few states is really quite a ruse, and until we see a total nation-wide lift on the ban of weed, we will never be free.
In the land of the free we have more prisons than the entire world populations combined!!
Guess what they're mostly full of?
Nonviolent offenders. Who by the way are being turned into real criminals on the inside of those places.
Did you know the constitution is literally written on hemp paper!!? The founding fathers were regular growers of hemp. Yes, they even smoked it from time to time, but their main effort in producing it was the myriad uses of it. It is truly a cash crop of all cash crops!!!
The hemp plant has so many varied uses that the mass production of it would literally bankrupt some of the biggest fascist corporations of our day.
See, capitalism good, fascism or crony-capitalism bad. Understand?
This plant needs to flourish and be grown by honest farmers. It would restore America to the once-great nation of its past!
Hemp stops cancer growth.
Hemp kills cancer cells.
Reduces neurological impairment.
Relaxes muscles, anti-spasmodic
Prevents migraines
Treats glaucoma
Treats ADD, ADHD
Reduces IBS, Crohn's Disease
Cures Epilepsy
Prevents Alzheimer's
Treats PMS
Makes bio-degradable plastic
Makes paper
Makes fuel, solvent, lubricant
Makes industrial textiles
Makes building materials
Could end deforestation
Could end dependence on oil, gas, and coal
Can be grown almost anywhere
Hemp makes the best paper, the strongest rope, the most durable sails, and it produces oil that LITERALLY KILLS CANCER.
Maybe you didn't hear me....
Look at it! It is beautiful!!! God obviously directly created this plant. I don't smoke it. I'm not trying to justify getting high.
I serve Christ and it is His Word that is my ultimate passion. Doctrine and theology are my first love and they are what motivates me.
However, if something is true it is worth talking about.
I know all you skeptics are going to scoff at reading stuff on the internet. Never mind the fact that you are being fed far more garbage on CNN, NBC, and FOX news network and you should in fact be searching all the independent press on the web while we still have access!
I have here for you an article from the United States National Institutes Library of Medicine and Heath stating that cannabis cures cancer. Of course they are vague about it so they can shrug it off later while at the same time having made sure to record it. Just click on the sarcastic statement below
Huh! Looks Like the 'ol Government isn't Sharing
What I have written is true, and as Christians we need to have a much more intelligent response to the world than an Adam Sandler line of "momma says that's o' da debil!". There are literally hundreds of thousands of reports, documents, findings, and studies proving that marijuana is the cure for cancer and the answer to a vast array of needs and problems that we as humans have. Why not do your due diligence and start researching it?
We need to stand against evil and expose the works of darkness. I understand you're concerned about people abusing themselves, but that's a sin problem.
I promise that current government intervention is going to do exactly zero to stem the tide.
Some may say that marijuana should be illegal because those who use marijuana are stupid due to cloudy minds.
They are concerned about effects on the family and on society in general.
First, I assure you that there are far worse destructive forces at work on your mind, your family, and your nation than some plant!!
Secondly, we must never base truth off of experience. This is subjective. We have to be objective if we are to be honest with truth and discover what truth is saying and doing to us.
For example, if I start talking about the evils of the public school system and all it's anti-constitutional, socialistic theft, anti-Biblical indoctrination, and anti-intellectual dumbing down of the society, and then someone says, "But my wife is a teacher!" or "my son loves his school", "WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT MY WIFE OR MY SON?".....
Well, while the concerns are valid and that is a good question, can you see that we have actually left the initial issue and changed the context of our discussion?
Thirdly, I will be very assertive in affirming that the legal juggernaut which is in place to subjugate, imprison, and otherwise harass people for what they are carrying in their pocket is creating most of the social problems we attribute to natural drugs.
You do realize that the establishment is making billions on BOTH ENDS of the drug war, right?!
Yes they are, right under your nose. How does that make you feel? Isn't it time we said enough is enough and demanded our freedom back?
Look, the bottom line is the marijuana plant is one of the most, if not THE most, versatile plants known to man. It's uses are many and varied and it could literally restore our nation to greatness. Why do you suppose the establishment keeps it so suppressed?
In raw form, marijuana leaves and buds are loaded with a non-psychoactive antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer nutrient compound known as cannabidiol (CBD) that has always been and always will be a miracle "superfood" capable of preventing and reversing a host of chronic illnesses.
This kind of thing breaks the back of Big Pharma. It crushes the massive corporations raping this nation and abusing true capitalism to dominate the globe.
We could be healthy. We could be cancer-free. Our loved ones could survive the cancer perpetrated on us by GMO, chem-trails, fluoride, and vaccines.
Perhaps it is not worth it to you to say something, but I for one will stand in the gap at least for our posterity. I don't want to have to look my son in the eye and tell him I did nothing.
Absolutely God's medicine, and nothing wrong with the smoke either. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou're so right Tarrah, and I hope more Christians will come to that realization. Abuse comes in many forms, and it would seem that marijuana should be the very last thing that concerns us.